15 Signs and Symptoms of TMJ Disorder


Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorder affects the jaw joint and the surrounding muscles. It can cause considerable discomfort and interfere with daily activities such as eating, speaking, and breathing. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of TMJ disorder is essential for early diagnosis and effective treatment. Let’s explore the various signs and symptoms of TMJ disorder.

1. Jaw Pain

Jaw pain, particularly in the area surrounding the joint, is one of the most typical signs of TMJ disease. This pain usually gets worse with movement or pressure, and it can range in intensity from a dull aching to a robust and stabbing feeling.

2. Clicking or Popping Sounds

TMJ issues may be indicated if you hear a popping or clicking sound when you open or close your mouth. These noises are produced when the joint is not moving smoothly or when the disc is displaced.

3. Limited Jaw Movement

A TMJ condition may restrict the range of motion of your jaw. It could be not easy to open your mouth or sway your jaw thoroughly. This restriction can make daily activities such as speaking or eating difficult.

4. Lockjaw

The inability to fully open or close your mouth is known as lockjaw, another indication of a TMJ problem. Severe pain and discomfort are common side effects of this illness, which can be either brief or persistent.

5. Ear Pain

Given the TMJ’s proximity to the ears, discomfort from the joint may also radiate to the area surrounding the ears. Some patients with TMJ conditions claim to have earaches without infection or other ear-related problems.

6. Tinnitus

Another sign of TMJ condition is tinnitus, or ringing in the ears. The jaw joint’s closeness to the ear canal may contribute to this unpleasant disease, while the specific explanation is unknown.

7. Headaches

TMJ issues have been associated with recurrent headaches, particularly those originating from the back of the head or the temples. Chronic headaches or migraines may result from tense jaw muscles caused by clenching or grinding teeth.

8. Facial Pain

Radiating facial discomfort, especially in the cheek, jaw, and temple regions, is a common symptom of TMJ disease. Many times, tooth or sinus disorders are misdiagnosed as this pain.

9. Neck and Shoulder Pain

The TMJ-related muscles extend into the shoulders and neck. Therefore, TMJ can result in pain and tension in these muscles, causing discomfort and stiffness.

10. Difficulty Chewing

If you feel pain or discomfort when you chew, TMJ dysfunction may be the cause. The disorder causes your jaw to misalign, making it difficult or painful to chew food.

11. Swelling on the Side of the Face

Some people with TMJ disorders may experience facial swelling on one or both sides. Usually, inflammation of the joint or surrounding tissues is the source of this swelling.

12. Tooth Pain

Even when no other dental problems exist, TMJ disease can cause tooth discomfort or sensitivity. The most common cause of this discomfort is increased pressure on the teeth caused by clenching or grinding of the jaw.

13. Changes in Bite

A misaligned bite or changes in how your teeth fit together may indicate a TMJ issue. This can happen due to improper joint function, which generates an uneven pressure distribution among the teeth.

14. Fatigue

Fatigue can result from chronic pain and discomfort related to TMJ disorder. Even after a restful night’s sleep, the persistent tension on the muscles surrounding the jaw, face, and neck might leave you exhausted.

15. Dizziness

TMJ problems have been connected to dizziness or an unsteady sense of balance. These symptoms may be related to the relationship between the TMJ and the inner ear.

If you are experiencing any of the above signs or symptoms and wish to undergo a checkup, call us today at 80037569 to book an appointment at Dr Joy Dental Clinic. Our TMJ Specialist can thoroughly assess your exact condition and provide you with the required treatment.

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