how to avoid bad breath during ramadan

How to Maintain Oral Hygiene During Ramadan


During the sacred month of Ramadan, Muslims seek to become closer to god, ask for forgiveness and gather with families to celebrate the most important time in Islamic culture.

The act of fasting from dawn to dusk is to practice self-discipline, self-control, sacrifice and empathy towards those who are less fortunate and ultimately urges them to be more generous and offer charity.

Since Muslims are not allowed to eat, drink and do other things throughout the daylight hours, it is difficult for them to maintain their dental health during Ramadan.

To learn how to properly take care of your oral hygiene during Ramadan, we’ve outlined some very important questions for you below.

What Causes bad breath during Ramadan?

  • Dry Mouth – the biggest contributing factor to bad breath during Ramadan is the lack of saliva in the mouth during the 12-hour fasting period. Since saliva lubricates the mouth and helps protect against harmful bacteria, the lack of it during fasting times means that bacteria will stick on your teeth, gums and tongue, causing the bad breath.
  • Poor Oral Hygiene – the lack of proper brushing and flossing after Iftar and Suhoor meals will allow plaque and other bacteria to build up. If regular brushing is not done it will only increase the possibility of bad breath.
  • Smoking – smoking not only affects the tissues in your mouth but also is a well-known cause of bad breathe and staining your teeth.
  • Nutrition – certain foods that are eaten during Iftar and Suhoor can contribute to bad breath such as fish, onions, garlic and certain spices.

How to stop bad breath during Ramadan

  1. Floss – Flossing should be done first after Iftar and Suhoor in order to remove any food particles that are stuck in between the teeth
  2. Brush – Ensure that you brush your teeth for 2 minutes at least twice during non-fasting hours to ensure good oral hygiene. Make sure you vigorously brush your tongue as well
  3. Mouthwash – Use an alcohol-free mouthwash and swish in your mouth for 30 seconds
  4. Stop Smoking – Try to refrain from smoking during non-fasting hours
  5. Stay Hydrated – During non-fasting hours, it is very important to drink water and ensure that you are staying hydrated

What food should I eat during Ramadan

  • Water – drink plenty of water during Suhoor & Iftar to stay hydrated
  • Calcium & Vitamin Rich Foods- eating dairy products such as milk and yogurt will aid in hydration and nutrition throughout non-fasting hours
  • Protein Rich Foods – eating high protein foods such as eggs, meat and fish will keep you feeling fuller for longer and can be flavored in various ways to meet your taste buds
  • Fiber Rich Foods – eating high fiber foods such as oats, rice and quinoa will help lower cholesterol and blood glucose levels which keeps you energized throughout your fast
  • Potassium Rich Foods – eating foods like dates are a great way to break your fast and will hydrate you quickly, giving you instant energy
  • Raw Nuts – nuts such as almonds contain good fats which are essential for the body after long hours of fasting
  • Vegetables – eating foods such as cucumbers, lettuce and other water-based vegetables offer a high fiber content and also easy to eat and digest

What food should I not to eat during Ramadan

  • Coffee & Tea – it is best to stay away from caffeinated drinks which may lead to sleep problems as dehydration
  • Refined Carbs & Sugar – eating foods that are high in sugar and refined carbs means they will not hold your hunger for more than 3-4 hours. Foods such as sugar, white flour, pastries, cakes and cookies are to be avoided as they also spike blood sugar levels
  • Salty Foods – eating foods that have higher levels of salt will increased sodium levels and lead to dehydration. Foods such as salted nuts and chips will cause you to become thirsty.
  • Carbonated Drinks – stay away from drinking soda and carbonated fruit juices as they are very high in sugar and will make you more thirsty
  • Fried Foods – eating greasy or oily foods should be avoided to keep you cholesterol free

During Ramadan it’s important to prepare a good oral hygiene routine in order to get you through the holy month.

At Dr. Joy Dental Clinic, we wish you a blessed Ramadan and if you have any Dental Emergencies, please Contact Us on 800-DRJOY (37569) to book an Emergency Dental Appointment with one of our Specialist.

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