
6 Myths About Dental Implants


Dental Implants are structures that replace your missing teeth.
Wondering if dental implants are the right choice for you? In fact, dental implants are the best
solution to replace missing teeth.
Before you go ahead, get your facts straight. False information could cause you to miss out on
getting the best treatment to enable you to regain a beautiful smile and better oral function.
Read on as we decode the most common myths about dental implants.

Myth#1: Dental Implants Don’t Look Natural

Dental Implants look just like your natural teeth, if they are done right. Every crown that we
place over an implant is created in our own dental laboratory by our technicians with utmost
care and perfection, specifically tailored for a particular individual. Our Implantologists work
very closely with our certified dental lab technicians to ensure that you receive the most
natural looking restoration that perfectly matches your other teeth. In fact others might not
even believe it’s not your natural teeth!
Known for their functionality, comfort and aesthetics, dental implants are widely considered
the best alternative for restoring damaged or missing natural teeth as they are customized to fit
both the look and feel of your natural smile. The fact they are securely fixed to the jawbone
means they won’t move or wobble as false teeth do.

Myth#2: Dental Implant Procedure is Painful

Many patients do not choose dental implants because of the fear of the pain associated with it.
While there may be some pressure felt, you will not experience any pain as our Implantologists
will numb the area with a local anesthetic. We can also offer Nitrous Oxide Sedation to let you
relax during the procedure. Our Implantologists are highly skilled and use latest technologies

such as 3D Guided Surgeries so that the implant is placed precisely with very less trauma and
faster healing.

Myth #3: Dental Implants are Expensive

Dental Implants are an investment you make to receive the best solution to replace your
missing teeth or replace your dentures. Traditional crowns & bridges used to replace missing
teeth typically last only 7 to 10 years whereas the implants last for much longer. Dentures
wobble in your mouth and do not allow you to chew anything with your front teeth. Over a
period of time, they become loose since the bone beneath is worn out and the denture needs
to be replaced. Dental Implants also preserve your bone structure. We see our patients who
have received dental implants more than 15 years ago and they still look as good as new.

Myth#4: Any Dentist can place dental implants

Technically while any dentist can place an implant, the success rate and the final aesthetic
outcome depends on the expertise of the implantologist. Our Implantologists are all certified
with extensive training and experience in placing implants. Having undergone specialist
training, they are able to place implants with the highest precision and success rate. Working
with our dental lab, they ensure that the final outcome of the crown perfectly matches with
excellent aesthetics.

Myth#5: Dental Implants are suitable for very few patients

This is a fallacy and in fact there are very few people in whom dental implants cannot be placed
due to various health concerns. Most people can be successfully treated with dental implants to
restore their smile. If you do not have enough bone, our implantologists will use different
methods of bone grafting to provide adequate support and stability to the implant. All-on-4 and
all-on-6 are good treatment options sometimes offered in these cases.

Myth#6. Dental implants are not safe

Dental Implants have a 98% success rate and is considered to have one of the highest success
rates among all dental procedures. Like every surgical procedure, there are some risk of failure,
however, we assess all the risks of your particular needs and plan the surgery accordingly to
ensure the highest success rates. Dental Implants prevent bone loss, restore proper chewing
ability leading to overall oral health, better diet and general health.

If you have a missing teeth or want to replace your removable dentures with a fixed prosthesis
over implants,

call us now to book a consultation with one of our Implantologists.

Contact 800-DRJOY(37569) or click here for more information.

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