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What is a Periodontist and When Should I Visit a Periodontist? Our Specialist Periodontist Answers Your Questions


We spoke to our Periodontal Specialist, to find out when we should visit a Periodontist. When it comes to dental treatments it can be hard to know if you should attend a specialist or visit your general dentist. If you are suffering from gum disease it is best to see a Periodontal Specialist to receive the appropriate treatment to stop the condition worsening.

A Periodontist is a dentist who specializes in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infection and disease in both the gums and the jaw bone supporting the teeth. A Periodontist can treat the most complicated periodontal conditions using various treatment procedures. They also perform cosmetic procedures to enhance your smile. Some people may feel that they have quite a gummy smile or have discolored gums. This can easily be fixed with a simple procedure from a Periodontist.

A common question is how do we get gum disease? Gum disease starts when toxins in plaque causes infection and destruction of healthy gums. When left unattended it can progress to affect the bone supporting the tooth. Periodontal disease is often associated with other serious health conditions which aggravate the problem. Hence evaluation by a specialist is needed.

Healthy gums are pink and firm, snugly fitting around the teeth. If you experience any of the following its time to visit a Periodontist:

  • Bleeding while brushing or on waking in the mornings
  • Bad breath even after brushing and use of mouthwash.
  • Loose teeth
  • Teeth appearing longer than before (gum recession)
  • Swollen and tender gums
  • A feeling of tightness or dull pain in gums

Early diagnosis and treatment often results in resolution/arrest of disease and reduced risk of complications. A Periodontist can also help you maintain a healthy gum condition and prevent recurrence of disease by:

  • Guiding you to perform the right brushing method
  • Use of appropriate interdental aid
  • Periodic check ups to evaluate and reinforce oral hygiene if needed.

If you think you may have gum disease it is best to visit a Periodontal Specialist. To book an appointment, please call at 80037569.

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