mom and kid smiling

Did you Forget Your Child’s Back-to-School Dental Visit?


As the Summer finishes most parents prepare their kids for the new academic year. But they often tend to forget and skip their child’s dental exam which might result in their future oral and other health issues. 

So, what can you do to keep up with the Dental check-up of your children? Also, most schools request a dentist’s signature to make sure your child has a clean bill of dental health. 

Dental cavities are the most common childhood disease, and early detection makes the treatments easier. Usually, scheduling a dental visit before the start of the school year saves time and your child won’t miss any school time. It’s estimated that children miss a lot of their school time each year due to dental visits. It is wise to schedule a dental appointment for a checkup before school starts. 

Tips for A Back-To-School Dental Checkup

Scheduling Appointment at the Perfect Time

book an appoiuntment with dentistParents should keep in mind to schedule appointments when their kids are most cooperative and alert. It’s always better not to schedule appointments during times when they tend to take a nap or may feel hungry. This way dentists can perform proper dental checkups as the kids tend to be calm, cooperative, and well-behaved during the sessions.

Hiding Dental Phobia

It is always better to hide your dental phobia from kids. Children are very observant, and if they see you being fearful of the dental equipment, they might also start fearing going to the dentist or having a dental consultation. Small kids tend to pick up the body language that adults give out, and if it turns out to be negative, it can scare or intimidate a child. Always try to give your child a positive experience regarding dental visits as it is what they will be looking forward to when they grow up. Keep the experience light and fun so that they feel relaxed each time they need to get a dental checkup or treatment done. 

Leading by Example

If you have booked dental appointments for your children, always ensure to let the child with the most dental experience attend first. It can bring a positive influence on the other children. Also, it is always better to carry toys, tablets, headphones, or other devices that can keep your child occupied when they are in the dental chair. 

Keep a Check on Oral Appliances

oral appliances at dental clinicsRe-evaluation of oral appliances is necessary during dental consultation for your kids. If your child is a sports enthusiast who wears a sports guard, retainer, or one with sleep apnea appliances, it is always good to consult the dentist regarding its usage. The way these appliances fit may alter as their teeth grow and hence, getting better advice or perfect fit appliances from a dentist is always recommended.  

Keep Your Dentist Number Handy

Dental emergencies happen all of a sudden. So parents need to ensure they have their dentist’s number or business cards with contact details. This way you can provide your child with emergency dental care when required. Also one should note to place the details along with their kid’s backpack in case any emergency treatment is required while they are at school. 

Maintaining Proper Dental Hygiene Habits

Establishing good home oral hygiene habits in kids is necessary in order to maintain proper oral health. Brushing twice and flossing daily can help your child stay healthy between dental visits. 

If you are looking for any pediatric treatment for your kids, get in touch with our expert team of Specialist Pediatric Dentists today at Dr. Joy Dental Clinics. Contact us at 800-DRJOY(37569) and book your appointment or click here.







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